A Measurement and Verification analysis was performed on 3 AHUs serving the administration, theatre and common spaces of the Campus C-Wing located at 135 Fennell Ave. W., Hamilton, Ontario. The purpose of the analysis was to baseline the AHUs pre BioScrub Coil cleaning and validate the benefits of the BioScrub post cleaning that was performed in June, 2018.

How does it work?

  • Incentives are provided at four cents per kilowatt hour ($0.04/kWh) of savings each year against the building’s historical baseline performance
  • Contract term is currently through to the end of 2021
  • In addition to the annual performance payments, customers are entitled to receive a Modelling Incentive of $1,500 for each enrolled facility, up to a maximum of $15,000 for 10 approved facilities
  • Customers have choice and flexibility in implementing capital and non-capital energy efficiency measures with no project by project incentive applications required
  • Get rewarded for energy savings at the same rate regardless of the types of projects/activities that have been implemented

What is needed to participate?

  • Be a facility that is not used for industrial or manufacturing business
  • Commit buildings to participate for at least 2 years
  • Plan to realize at least 5% energy savings per building
  • Have hourly interval meter data available for buildings for at least the last 12 months
  • Have a minimum annual consumption of 1,500,000 kWh per building (or group of up to five buildings aggregated into a single baseline energy model are permitted)

All new and existing customers enrolling facilities after July 15, 2019 will fall under the new EPP Agreement with a term ending on December 31, 2021.
Renteknik would welcome the opportunity to provide a Proposal to be your energy consultant. Call us today at (905) 634-3888 or email